Thursday 4 October 2012

DC Existing Characters

For my Ba7 & Ba8 I have decided that I will re-imagine an existing hero and villain, however I will immerse that hero and villain in different era of time to see if I can visualize them in a different point in history. Also I want to re-imagine them in a existing point of history.
I will begin by looking at a random bunch of existing DC characters and research all about their backgrounds, including story, as at this moment of time Marvel has already sort of kicked of the superhero franchise, therefore I want to look at it's rival comic franchise DC. 


Superman's first appearance was in ACTION COMICS #1 (June 1938). Superman's secret identity is Clark Joseph Kent and his birth Krypton name is Kal-El.
As Clark Kent he is a reporter and Journalist for the Daily Planet in Metropolis as well as fighting crime as Superman.
Superman's physical appearance is described as 6ft 3in, weighing 235lbs with blue eyes and black hair.
Kal-El's powers were latent until his teenage years. His Kryptonian physiology absorbs immense energy from our Earth's yellow sun, which enables him to fly at incredible speeds, and endowing him with super strength, invulnerability (apart from his weakness to green kryptonite and magic), ultra-accurate hearing, freeze breathe, immense lung capacity and a range of vision including X-ray vision enabling him to see through anything apart from lead and heat vision.
Superman is the last son of Kypton who represents the very best in humanity. His native world of Kypton, a giant planet orbiting a dying red sun, was doomed by the radioactive elements at it's core and exploded many years ago but not before scientist Jor-El and his wife Lara rocketed their son to safety, hoping that the spacecraft would find a new home in the universe. Their massive gamble paid off in many ways that have benefited the great of humanity.

-Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman's first appearance was in ALL-STAR COMICS #8 (Winter 1941). Wonder Woman's real name is Diana.
Diana is an Ambassador of peace and Adventurer.
Diana's descriptive appearance is around 6ft, weighing 165lbs with blue eyes and black hair.
Wonder Woman's special abilities come from her being blessed with the gifts of the Olympian gods, She is one of the strongest beings on the planet with the ability to fly at sublight speeds, she may not be invulnerable but she is highly resistant to bodily harm, she can physically communicate with animals and is an expert in all forms of classical armed and unarmed combat, skilled tactician and diplomat, her arsenal includes a magic lasso that forces anyone within it's confines to tell the truth and her bracelets can deflect bullets.
Wonder Woman is as wise as Athena, stronger than Heracles, swift as Hermes and as beautiful as Aphrodite. She is Princess Diana, champion of Themyscira, the home of the immortal Amazons. Sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and brought to life by the Olympian Gods. Diana secretly entered a contest to find the worthiest Amazon and emerged as the victor. Given the task of ending the war god Ares's made scheme to destroy the planet, Diana stepped forth from her idyllic existence into the chaotic world of Man as one of the Earth's greatest defenders.   

Batman's first appearance was with Detective COMICS #27 (May 1939). Batman's real name is his secret identity Bruce Wayne.
Batman and Bruce together are; a Industrialist, philanthropist and crime fighter who lives and protects Gotham City.
Bruce Wayne's physical appearance is described around 6ft 2in, weighing 210lbs with blue eyes and black hair.
Batman's abilities consist of; being the worlds best detective with a brilliant deductive mind, possibly the greatest martial artist alive, Bat costume is bullet-proof and fire-resistant with a weighted cape and cowl outfitted with night vision and communication arrays, utility belt containing a vast amount of crime fighting gear with numerous Batarangs, jumplines and grapnels, micro camera, smoke pellets, torch, gasmask, rebeather, flexi-cuffs and other non lethal weapons. maintains a fleet of high tech and high powered vehicles including; the Batmobile, Batycle, Batboat, Batplane and Batcopter, with a super sophisticated Batcave headquarters.
Bruce became the legendary Dark Knight on the tragic night him and his parents went to the cinema and accidentally ventured into Gotham's notorious 'Crime Alley'. In this moment they were confronted by a mugger who shot Tomas and Martha Wayne before fleeing into the darkness. As a 8 year old, Bruce knelt beside his parents and he swore that he would avenge their deaths and later become the crusader against crime.  

The first Robin appeared in DETECTIVE COMICS #38 (April 1940). Who was Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
Physical description of 5ft 10in, weighing 175lbs, blue eyes and black hair.
Second Robin appeared in DETECTIVE COMICS #526 (September 1983). This version of Robin was Jason Todd.
Physical description 5ft 2in, weighing 105lbs, blue eyes and black hair.
The Third Robin appeared  in BATMAN #457 (December 1990). This Robin is a young student named Timothy Drake.
Physical description 5ft 5in, weighing 125lbs with blue  eyes and black hair.
All the Robin's had been trained by Batman in martial arts, as well as sleuthing skills.
He is adept in the use of electronic devices, especially computers. Robin's utility belt carries all the standard complement of Batarangs, gas capsules, de-cel jumplines and other tools. His R-insignia is lined with Kevlar and Nomex fabrics, making it bullet proof and fire-resistant. His mask is fitted with Starlite night vision lenses. Typically Robin has ridden customized Batcycles, but Tim prefers his Redbird car.
Young Dick Grayson was a member of the Flying Grayson's acrobatic family who thrilled audiences nightly on the high wire along with his a parents. But when a gangster boss Zucco sabotaged the high wire due to the owner of Haly's Circus refused to offer up protection money, the elder Grayson's paid with their lives. Billionaire Bruce Wayne was in the audience that night, however it was the Dark Knight who visited the grieving Dick Grayson, offering the boy a chance at retribution by becoming Robin. Bruce taught Dick all the skills he would need to know to take down Zucco and bring him to justice. Dick Swore an oath to the Dark Knight's crusade as his most trusted partner the Boy Wonder. After several years in service to Batman relinquished the mantle of Robin when Batman forced him to choose between his duties with the Titans and his promise to aid the Dark Knight. Adopting the identity of Nightwing, Dick continued to battle crime while remaining Batman's close ally.
Juvenile Jason Todd was discovered by the Dark Knight when returning to his Batmobile to find young Jason trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile. With original partner Dick Grayson having given up the role of Robin, Batman decided to take Jason in and offer him both a home a purpose. Jason began the training as Dick to become the Dark Knight's partner, however Jason was a troubled soul who lacked maturity and was quick to anger. Jason later discovered clues that his lost mother was alive and he secretly travelled to Africa to find her. Tragically, the trail also led him straight into the clutches of the Joker, who beat the second Boy Wonder within an inch of his life. Jason died in the subsequent explosion.
Tim Drake was barely more than a toddler when he witnessed the tragic events that happened that night at Haly's Circus. Tim was transfixed as Batman swooped down to comfort young Dick Grayson. That moment was burned into his memory and years later, Tim saw news reports of an unhinged Batman becoming more and more violent following the death of the second Robin, Jason Todd. Using his detective skills, Tim deduced the secret identity of the Dark Knight and the very first Boy Wonder, Dick Grayson. After he revealed this knowledge to the original dynamic duo, Tim argued the need for a Robin and how Robin gave the Dark knight hope even in the hardest situations. Though reluctant at the beginning, Batman gave Tim the opportunity to prove that he was as good as his word. After months of gruelling training Tim finally became the third Robin.

Aquaman's first appearance was with 'More Fun Comics' #73 (November 1941). His real names are Arthur Curry, Orin and he is also referred to as the King of the Seven Seas who lives in the underwater city of Atlantis.
Arthur is a well known waterbearer of the Secret Sea and exiled king of Atlantis.
His physical appearance is described over 6ft, weighing around 325lbs with aqua blue eyes and blonde hair.
Aquaman's Special powers/abilities consist of the ability to breathe underwater and communicate telepathically with sea life, can swim 100mph underwater, possess enhanced strength and toughness along with sonar abilities, his left hand is made of enchanted water and possesses healing powers as well as magical abilities.
Aquaman commands the entire ocean, which covers three quarters of the earths surface. Aquaman's royal birthright was obscured by his upbringing as a commoner. Te son of Queen Atlanna and a demigod, the spirit of Atlan, Orin was born with blonde hair and the ability to talk to sea life. These qualities sentenced Orin to death by exposure on the Mercy Reef because the Atlanteans believed these were the signs of the curse of Kordax, which was a legendary monster.

The very first Flash appeared in FLASH COMICS #1 (January 1940). This was Jason 'Jay' Peter Garrick.
Jason was a Research scientist based in Keystone City.
Physical appearance is 5ft 11in, weighing 178lbs with blue eyes, Brown hair with grey temples.
Jason could; run at near lightspeed, vibrate his molecules allowing him to pass through objects and aged at a far slower pace than most humans.
The second Flash appeared in SHOWCASE #4 (1956). This Flash was Bartholomew Allen, also known as Barry.
Barry was a police chemist in central city.
His Physical appearance was 5ft 11in, 179lbs with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Barry could run at near lightspeed and he could also pass through objects or phase into other dimensions.
The final and third Flash appeared first as Kid Flash in THE FLASH (1st series) #110 (January 1960) but then appeared as the Flash in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #12 (March 1986). The third Flash was Wallace 'Wally' West who's physical appearance is described as; 6ft, weighing 175lbs with Green eyes and red hair.
Wally's abilities consist of; being able to run at lightspeed, can vibrate thro solid objects causing them to explode, can lend his speed to moving objects or people by touch, he can form a protective costume from 'living' speed force and if he travels faster than lightspeed it will hurl him across interdimensional time space.
They have all been called the fastest men alive three generations of super heroes granted the power to tap into the extradimensional energy field called the Speed Force by a scientific experiment gone awry. Each hero named himself the Flash and became the progenitor of an age of champions, perpetuating a legacy of courage and valor that extends to the 853rd century and beyond.
Jay Garrick, a failed college football player in the 1930's, became a research scientist. By accidentally inhaling the hyper-charged atoms of a radioactive liquid, Garrick gained incredible superspeed. Garbed in a red and blue uniform Garrick became the Flash and helped form the legendary Justice Society of America and the wartime All-Star Squadron. Jay was forced into retirement during the McCarthy era in the 1960's, Jay was placed in suspended animation by the villainous Fiddler but rescued by Barry Allen, the second Flash. Garrick then married his girlfriend Joan Williams and briefly retired, but returned to active duty with the most recent incarnation of the JSA.
Barry Allen was a slowpoke police chemist who idolized Jay Garrick as the superhero the Flash. During a late stormy night at the police station laboratory, a bolt of lightning crashed through the window and shattered the vials of chemicals surrounding Allen. Suddenly imbued with the power to move at near lightspeed, Barry took on the name of his Golden Age idol, the Flash, and along with Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Aquaman helped usher in the silver age of heroes.
Allen was one of the founders of the Justice League of America. When his fiancée, Iris was slain by the Reverse-Flash, Allen killed his hated foe. After a lengthy trial, the Flash retired to the 30th century, where he sired the Tornado twins. Tragiically, Allen died saving the Earth from the nihilistic Anit-Monitor by destroying his antimatter cannon, aimed directly at the planet.
Wally West is the young nephew of Barry Allen, Wally West was visiting his uncle's laboratory when a bolt of lightning shattered a rack of chemicals in the room. The chemicals spilled on the boy and duplicated the same accident that created the second Flash. Wally became the first Kid Flash, the junior partner of the flash, and founded the Teen Titans with the first Robin, Aqualad, Speedy and Wonder Girl. After Barry Allen died saving the universe, Kid Flash assumed his costume and identity.    

-Blue Beetle
The very first Blue Beetle appeared in BLUE BEETLE (1st series) #1 (June 1964). This Beetle was Dr. Daniel Garrett who's appearance was 6ft, weighing 189lbs with blue eyes and red hair.
Garret's Abilities are; super strength, ability to fly, discharge lightning from his fingertips and chain-mail armour impervious to small arms fire.
Blue Beetle II appeared in CAPTAIN ATOM (1st series) #83 (November 1966).
Beetle II was known as Theodore 'Ted' Kord. Ted's appearance was 5ft 11in, weighing 184lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.
The second Beetle doesn't possess any powers, but is a genius inventor and a capable hand to hand combatant. His BB-gun has several settings, including a walloping compressed-air blast and blinding strobe light. The Beetle's greatest weapon is his 'bug', a stealthy solar-powered crime-fighting vehicle.
Blue Beetle III appeared in INFINITE CRISIS #5 (March 2006). Beetle III is a student named Jaime Reyes. Physical appearance is 5ft 8in, weighing 145lbs with brown eyes and black hair.
Beetle III abilities consist of an Alien suit that provides protection, flight, enhanced strength and can generate many forms of weaponry.
After discovering a glowing azure scarab in the tomb of the evil Pharaoh Kha-ef-re, archaeologist Dr. Daniel Garret gained miraculous powers when he uttered the words 'Kaji Dha.' Possessing superhuman abilities and clad in azure chain-mail armour, Garrett fought evil in Hub city as the first Blue Beetle. Years later, Garrett helped student Ted Kord thwart Kord's Uncle Jarvis and his plans for world domination. The battle left Blue Beetle mortally wounded. With his dying breath, Garret made young Kord promise that he would carry on in his stead, thus ensuring that the Blue Beetle's heroic legacy would continue.

-Green Arrow
Green Arrow began his appearance in More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941). Green Arrow's real name is Oliver Jonas Queen.
Oliver's physical description is 5ft 11in, weighing 185lbs with green eyes and blonde hair.
Green Arrow's abilities consist; of having an excellent eye for archery, trained in hand-to-hand combat with above average strength and endurance.
While on a cruise round the south sea, a business partner betrayed playboy billionaire Oliver Queen and knocked him overboard. Washing him up on a remote island, Oliver fashioned a crude bow and arrow to take down a drug operation run by the villainess China White. He soon returned to the social scene in his hometown, Star City. Donning a Robin Hood costume for a party, Oliver foiled a robbery during the event, gaining the nickname Green Arrow. Resolving to become a crime fighter, he soon experienced firsthand the diseased underbelly of society he had only previously read about. 

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