Tuesday 16 October 2012

Specifying the Idea

After doing a quick recap on our worlds past history and looking at a few existing characters I have decided to place Aquaman and Scarecrow in the Middle ages, but more specifically during the renaissance. I have come up with the idea that Scarecrow was responsible  for the black plague in Europe and how he tried an experiment on rats. I have also decided to use Aquaman as he can be my hero and reason as to how Venice became flooded.
I will now go into further depth and research everything that is important towards that era. I will also have to look into the black plague including the symptoms. I will look into the clothes and lifestyle of the Italian renaissance since in making these characters live in Italy. Also I have slightly mentioned these characters and gone through their back stories but now I will have to go into more depth about how they are portrayed so that way I can get an accurate design on the characters.    

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