Sunday 7 October 2012


-Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor's first appearance arrived in ACTION COMICS #23 (April 1940). Luthor's full name is Alexander Joseph Luthor.
Luthor's physical description is 6ft 2in, weighing 210lbs with green eyes and no hair.
Lex's abilities are; He is one of the smartest men on Earth, able to invent technological marvels or manipulate entire nations. He believes in brute force and is an unskilled fighter relying on weapons and armour.
Lex Luthor may be the most gifted man alive but instead of using his supreme intellect and skills for the better of mankind, the sociopath has continually sought power and influence without regard for the pain and suffering he causes. The gifts are also wasted on his single-minded hatred of a more pure and noble man, especially given his alien origins.

Joker's first appearance was in BATMAN #1 (1940).
Joker's real name is unknown as it has never been mentioned in any of the comics.
His physical description is described as; 6ft 5in, weighing 192lbs with green eyes and green hair.
The Joker's special abilities; though not especially strong or skilled in fighting, the joker is nonetheless a deadly combatant. Previously he has demonstrated adeptness at chemistry, concocting his own poisonous Joker Venom, a weapon of mass distraction that leaves it's victims with a death-rictuses resembling his own maniacal leer. The Joker often wields deadly joke props or gags such as an acid-squirting flower or BANG! proclaiming flag pistol that doubles as a spear gun. However, he also plays the straight man in his blackly comedic campaign of terror and will use conventional weapons.
The Joker is undeniably the most dangerous and unpredictable foe Batman has ever encountered. He literally reinvents himself each morning, concocting deadly new laugh-riots to bedevil the Dark Knight and his allies. While safely confined within the impregnable wall of Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, the Joker has spun investigating psychiatrists various yarns concerning his troubled origins. Most of his tales can be dismissed, but few fats remain that give some insight into how this leering lunatic came into being.
-Harley Quinn
Harley's first appearance was in BATMAN: HARLEY QUINN #1 (October 1999).
Quinn's real name was DR. Harleen Quinzel.
Her physical description is; 5ft 7in, weighing 140lbs with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Harley's abilities consist of; her being an agile acrobat following exposure to Poison Ivy's herbal remedies, once a gifted psychotherapist she is now dangerously unbalanced, like the Joker, often employs various gag weapons in her bag of tricks.
Encountering the Joker was the very worst thing that could have happened to young and impressionable Arkham Asylum psychiatrist Dr. Harleen Quinzel. While attempting to heal the Joker's maniacal mind, Quinzel found herself captivated. As he spun heartrending, and probably false tales of an unhappy childhood, she was soon falling head over heels in love with him.

Doomsday’s very first appearance was in SUPERMN: THE MAN OF STEEL #17 (November 1992).
Doomsday has no other alias.
His physical description is 7ft, weighing 615lbs with red eyes and white hair.
Doomsday’s special abilities consist of; him being built to be the ultimate killing machine, each time he is defeated he regenerates with a higher level of strength and endurance, making him an unbeatable foe.
250,000 years ago an alien scientist named Bertron arrived on Krypton and commenced cloning experiments to create the perfect warrior. Within decades a cloned baby proved able to survive on harsh Krypton and withstand local predators. Turning on its creator the creature killed Bertron before escaping Krypton. The monster travelled to other worlds, where it killed without mercy. Through the years members of the Green Lantern Corps opposed this being known as Doomsday until it threatened Oa. Radiant defeated Doomsday and he was chained up in a protective garment placed in a container and then ejected into space. The container crashed into the Earth, burying itself deep underground. Over the millennia Doomsday struggled to free himself, pounding his way to the surface until he emerged in North America. He beat back the Justice League of America before confronting Superman in Metropolis. The two fought an epic battle that laid waste to the city and resulted in the death of the Man of Steel. Since then Doomsday has remained unstoppable, although he has since become a pawn for the likes of Brainiac and even Lex Luthor.
Darkseid's first appearance was in SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #134 (December 1970).
Darkseid's real name is Uxas.
His physical appearance is described at 8ft 9in, weighing 1,815lbs with red eyes and no hair.
Darkseid's abilities are; utterly ruthless, unforgiving planetary overlord who rules underlings by fear, immensely strong and apparently invulnerable, his eyes project Omega Beams, powerful rays that incinerate, annihilate or transport beings.
Darkseid is the gravest threat to life in the DC Universe, representing all that is vile and corrupt. In the wake of the old gods dying, a race of NEW GODS were born, split between two planets, bring New Genesis and smouldering Apokolips, who were continually at war with each other. On Apokolips, Queen Heggra and her own son Uxas plotter and schemed against each other, one determined to retain power, the other seeking it. Uxas's drive for control resulted in his brother Drax's death, Uxas then evolved into the creature known as Darkseid.  

Scarecrow first appeared in WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #3 (Fall 1941).
Scarecrows true identity is Jonathan Crane.
Crane's appearance is described; 6ft, weighing 150lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.
Scarecrow's abilities; come from him being a psychologist and biochemist, Crane used his knowledge to create a fear-inducing gas that creates nightmarish hallucinations in the mind of anyone who inhales it, costume also designed to strike terror and he is a manic hand-to-hand combatant.
Jonathan Crane was often the physical and emotional target of neighbourhood bullies. Initially frightened by their horrible taunts, Crane eventually decided he would turn the tables on his attackers and he began voraciously studying phobias and the nature of fear.  

-Mister Freeze
Freeze's first appearance was in BATMAN #121 (February 1959).
Mister Freeze's true identity is Victor Fries.
Victor's physical appearance is described at 6ft, weighing 190lbs with icy blue eyes and white hair.
Victor's abilities consist of; him having a vast intellect, but has subsumed it in favour of brute force, using his Freeze Gun and super-cooling armour to get what he wants.
Describing Victor Fries as cold-hearted is just the tip of the iceberg. To escape the pressures of his brutal father, young Victor developed an unusual hobby; freezing animal. He thought he was preserving his pets forever but his father saw things otherwise and sent the boy for counselling. The psychiatrist viewed this freezing tendency as Victor's way of controlling his world. Isolated and ridiculed at school and college, Victor believed he would never know the warm touch of humanity then came Nora, the beautiful athlete who stole his heart. They married and when his beloved was stricken with a rare malady, Fries left his teaching post to work for drugs company Gohcorp, hoping their technology would help him find a cure. Exposure to a hail of super-coolants altered his body chemistry and the brilliant cryogenicist now wears a suit of air-conditioned armour to remain comfortably chilled.

-Captain Boomerang
Captain Boomerang's first appearance was in FLASH #117 (December 1960).
Boomerang's real name was George Harkness.
Physical description 5ft 9in, weighing 16lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.
Boomerang's abilities consist of; him being a boomerang-throwing expert, he has developed numerous boomerangs with specific functions.
Captain Boomerang II then appeared in IDENTITY CRISIS #3 (October 2004).
This Boomerang's real name was Owen Mercer.
Physical appearance is 6ft 1in, weighing 190lbs with grey eyes and red hair.
Boomerang II had abilities skilled with boomerangs and other thrown weapons and he can temporary generate bursts of super-speed.
A native of Australia, George 'Digger' Harkness was sent as a young adult to the U.S. by his mother, who was desperate to get her son away from his stepfather. He took a job demonstrating boomerangs for the Wiggins Game Company. Harkness, who had become an expert from years of throwing the wooden device as a kid, was given a uniform and the name Captain Boomerang. While demonstrating the boomerang to kids, Harkness liked to line his pockets with a spot of pilfering. This brought him into conflict with the second Flash, whom Harkness opposed as Captain Boomerang with a variety of ever more bizarre boomerang gadgets. After the Flash's death, Captain Boomerang served on the government-sponsored 'Suicide Squad.' However, he missed the thrill of stealing and secretly became Mirror Master II. After the squad temporarily folded, Captain Boomerang returned to a life of crime in Central City, opposed by Flash III. He died during the Identity Crisis event, shot by Robin's father. His son Owen Mercer has since taken up the identity of Captain Boomerang. 

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